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Stay up-to-date with the latest news from World of WearableArt Sign up for our audience newsletter and be the first to know about ticket sales, exclusive offers, behind-the-scenes insights, and upcoming WOW experiences. Don’t forget to join the Designers newsletter if you are interested in entering the WOW Competition.
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Each year there are six section themes or ‘worlds’ for designers to be inspired by when entering the WOW Competition. This includes three recurring sections; Aotearoa, Avant-garde and Open, plus three unique themes which are announced each year.
For the 2026 Competition, the unique sections are Bizarre Bra, Kinetic, and Metallic.
For the 2026 Competition, the unique sections are Bizarre Bra, Kinetic, and Metallic.
For the 2025 Competition, the unique Sections: Air, Neon, Myths & Legends.
For the 2025 Competition, the unique Sections: Air, Neon, Myths & Legends.
At the epicentre of WOW’s universe is an international wearable art competition that challenges artists and designers from all around the world to take art off the wall and onto the human form. The most innovative and outstanding entries are chosen to appear on stage as part of the annual World of WearableArt Show.
Stay up-to-date with the latest from World of WearableArt. Sign up for our audience newsletter and be the first to know about ticket sales, exclusive offers, behind-the-scenes insights, and upcoming WOW experiences. Don't forget to join the Designers newsletter if you're interested in entering the Competition.